So, Why only the Ten Commandments were directly written by God while all other laws were transmitted and written by Moses?
The direct answer is that the mistakes Satan, Adam and Eve have done in the Garden of Eden are the same things that are restricted by the Ten Commandments and because of doing those mistakes great issue and misery has happened such as sin and ultimately the death of mankind. So the point is that the whole life was hung based upon these laws and that is why God himself directly gave the law to Moses because of its utmost importance. The Ten Commandments are only a repetition and reminder to mankind not to repeat the same fundamental mistakes as Satan, Adam and Eve did, while all other laws, God inspired Moses to write them through holy sprit because they are all based upon these fundamental Commandments.
It is true that there is no indication in the Bible that the Ten Commandments existed back then in the Garden of Eden. But the first mistake made by Satan himself led Adam and Eve to break all other laws that were later listed in the Ten Commandments, which we are not supposed to do. As already acknowledged, the Ten Commandments did not existed back then in the Garden of Eden. But we are comparing the mistakes done by Satan, Adam and Eve with that of the Ten Commandments. More over before becoming Satan the Devil he was also one of the cherubs in the heavens and was residing along with other righteous angels. Hence we can say though the Ten Commandments did not existed back then in the Garden of Eden still Satan violated the law because he was one of the sons of God and hence thoroughly knowing what was good and what was bad. That is why we say that Satan violated because he knew it was a mistake.
First let’s keep the Ten Commandments before us and examine one by one
- You shall have no others gods before me
- You shall not make yourself an image in the form as anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in waters below
- You shall not misuse the name of Jehovah your God
- Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
- Honour your father and mother
- You shall not murder
- You shall not commit adultery
- You shall not steal
- You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour
- You shall not covet
What was the first law that Satan violated?
The cause for Satan to do the first mistake is Covetousness (covet means yearn to possess what rightly belongs to others, in this case the human worship that rightly belongs to God). So Satan was covetous, which is a direct violation of the 10th Commandment, which led him to transgress the 9th Commandment:
You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour.
Yes, Satan gave false testimony against God, that is to say he lied to Eve by saying: At this the serpent said to the woman:
You positively will not die. For God knows that in the very day of YOUR eating from it YOUR eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God KNOWING good and bad.
(Genesis 3:4, 5) By violating the 9th Commandment, he also violated the 3rd Commandment:
You shall not misuse the name of Jehovah your God.
Yes, Satan misused the name of Jehovah by telling that God is holding back something good from Eve and Adam. So the breaking of the 10th, 9th and 3rd commandments by Satan led Eve and Adam to break all other laws.
Now let’s see in order wise how Satan, Adam, Eve broke all the Ten Commandments
- The First commandment says:
You shall have no others gods before me.
As everyone know, God already forewarned in Genesis 2:17:
But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.
By listening and obeying to the words of Satan, Eve had put Satan as her god rather than Jehovah God or it can be said that by obeying the words of Satan it is as if Eve has put Satan as her god above Jehovah God. Adam listened to his wife’s words rather than the commandment of God, so Adam put his wife as well as Satan above Jehovah God which is a direct violation of First commandment.
- The Second commandment says:
You shall not make yourself an image in the form as anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in waters below.
It means you should not commit idolatry. We all know that putting anything above Jehovah Himself is idolatry, worse than making a picture and worshiping it physically (1 Samuel 15:23). So although Adam and Eve never made a physical idol, yet Eve gave importance to Satan rather than Jehovah, which is idolatry
- The Third commandment says: You shall not misuse the name of the Jehovah your God.
You shall not misuse the name of Jehovah your God.
In Genesis 3:5 we read:
For God knows that in the very day of YOUR eating from it YOUR eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God KNOWING good and bad.
We see here Satan taking the name of God in a worthless way a telling that God knew that in the day of eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and bad your eyes will be opened and will be like God. That is a pure lie and to make that lie appear to be true he falsely used the name of God.
- The Fourth commandment says:
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
As we all know from Genesis 2:2, 3 which reads:
And by the seventh day God came to the completion of his work that he had made, and he proceeded to rest on the seventh day from all his work that he had made. And God proceeded to bless the seventh say and make it sacred, because on it he has been resting from all his work that God has created for the purpose of making.
God rested after the completion of the physical creations related to this planet earth. The Almighty Jehovah never rests. He rested in the sense that he ceased from doing creative work related to earth. During that period it is man’s obligation given in Genesis 1:28:
Further God blessed them and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and flying creatures of the heavens and every living creatures of the heavens and every living creatures that is moving upon the ground.".
Here God told first human couple to be fruitful and become many and fill the whole earth with humans and to take care of animals and transform the whole into a paradise similar to Garden of Eden what God had made as a sample piece. But instead of doing so Satan, Eve and Adam sinned against Jehovah and instead of resting they made the creation to groan. Thus instead of preserving peaceful atmosphere on earth, there was murder (Cain and Abel outside garden), weeping, sickness and finally old age and death. Thus the Sabbath was broken.
- The Fifth commandment says:
Honour your father and mother.
As everyone knows a person who gives life is called father and the person who receives the life is called a son. Genesis 1:27 reads:
And God proceeded to create man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.
Jehovah created Adam and Eve and gave them the life so Jehovah becomes father since Adam and Eve received the life hence called son/daughter. Did Adam and Eve listen to Jehovah’s command or Satan’s? Everybody knows that both of them listened to Satan thus they did not honour their parent Jehovah God! Someone (especially Muslims, Fault finders in Bible) may criticise and say 'you are telling only father’s side where did you prove mother?'. In the Bible the Almighty God Jehovah is depicted as masculine gender. But is really God, masculine? No! People in India call Surya for Sun and Earth as Mother. The noun Surya is masculine and title mother is feminine. Is actually Sun a male? Or Earth a female? Because of the dominance quality, Sun is termed as male and production and feeding quality of earth to all living things is termed as mother (female). In the strictest sense Sun is neither male nor earth is female, it is only the figure of speech. Similarly those people who wrote Bible are of patriarch culture hence they termed Almighty as male but in the strictest sense since Jehovah God is sprit and above all physical creations in the universe the male and female term does not apply to the sprit person. To be direct Jehovah is genderless neither male nor female.
- The Sixth commandment says:
You shall not murder.
According to Genesis 3:4, 5, the serpent said to the woman:
You positively will not die. For God knows that in the very day of YOUR eating from it YOUR eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God KNOWING good and bad.
Satan lied, saying that Eve will not die and their eyes will be opened and they will be like God. But we all know what is the end result, Adam and Eve finally died which is nothing but Satan murdering humans. That resulted in Jesus’ coming to this earth and suffers and Satan finally murdered Jesus also. Adam and Eve are also held responsible for murdering all mankind. As we all know that they had the prospect of living forever. But by eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and bad they lost the ability (quality of immortality) in their DNA to live forever and they also lost the ability in their genes to pass a never dying quality (quality of immortality) to their offspring’s. Thus Satan, Adam and Eve murdered mankind, a violation of sixth commandment.
- The Seventh commandment says:
You shall not commit adultery.
Although there was no another man for Eve or another woman for Adam to commit a fleshly adultery, still Eve did it in a spiritual sense. Assume a wife secretly and intimately talks to another man and listens to his words rather than her own husband’s. Is it not an act of impurity or adulterated? At Genesis 2:16, 17 Jehovah God also laid this command upon the man:
From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.
God commanded that they should not eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and bad. But Eve by listening to Satan’s adulterated commandment ate the fruit and also gave to her husband Adam which resulted in death. Did she not commit spiritual adultery? Since Adam listened to his wife Eve, and ate the fruit he also obeyed to Satan’s adulterated commandment which was a spiritual adultery. Hence both of them committed spiritual adultery which is a violation of seventh commandment.
- The Eighth commandment says:
You shall not steal.
Sometimes in very sensitive cases any one who takes anything (like jewellery, money) without acknowledging the owner is considered as theft or stealing. In Genesis 2:16,17 we read:
And Jehovah God also laid this command upon the man: “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it…
This tree belonged to Jehovah. He warned not to take fruit from this particular tree, which Eve knew very well, because she recognised in Genesis 3:3:
But as for the eating of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You must not eat from it, no You must not touch it that You do not die.’.
But Eve by listening to Satan’s decisive speech took what belongs to God without acknowledging or at least by asking her husband’s permission. This is an act of stealing, a direct violation of eighth commandment.
- The Ninth commandment says:
You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour.
Genesis 3:4, 5 report that the serpent said to the woman:
You positively will not die. For God knows that in the very day of YOUR eating from it YOUR eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God KNOWING good and bad.
Satan gave false testimony against God that is to say he lied to Eve by saying that, and it was a direct violation of ninth commandment.
- The Tenth commandment says:
You shall not covet.
The word covet means yearn to posses especially that belongs to others or to desire or crave for others things. The meaning of the word covet in the tenth commandment itself is self explanatory and need no further elaboration. Eve yearned to possess what belongs to God and Adam also did the same thing by listening to eve. Satan also had the problem of covetousness in that he wants all worship of humans which rightly belongs to God; that is what has led him to do all misery and evil things. So what Satan, Adam and Eve did was a direct violation of the 10th Commandment.
Satan, just by violating one commandment that is the 10th commandment which he knew it was wrong as he was also one of the son’s of God knowing what was good and bad made easy for the first human couples to violate all other 9 Commandments. Before the first human pair falling into sin nobody is sure whether Adam and Eve was aware in their conscience that certain acts was right or wrong but, one thing is clear, God had already forewarned at Genesis 2:17:
But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.
So Eve and Adam knowingly took what belongs to God without acknowledging (honouring) Him there by putting Satan above Jehovah which is why we say they broke or violated both 8th and 1st commandments though Ten commandments did not exits back then in the garden of Eden. The result was that what was said in the Ten Commandments Satan, Adam and Eve already violated those laws and that led to sin and ultimately losing everlasting life to themselves as well to their offspring’s. That means that whole life of the first humans were hung (depended) upon as though by following these the Ten Commandments. The utmost importance may be one of the reasons why God directly wrote himself the Ten Commandments while he made Moses to write all other laws by the means of holy sprit. The New Covenant was established between Jesus Christ and the anointed ones which later became a Christian congregation. When we see the Christian principles none of the Ten Commandments become invalid including Sabbath in a spiritual sense. Let each and every one ask his/her own conscience whether if I violate one of the Ten Commandments, will I compromise my Christian principles? If you do so 1st Corinthians 6:9: gives a very best answer:
What! Do You not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit god’s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters,
(1st and 2nd commandment)
nor adulterers,
(7th commandment)
nor men kept for un-natural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves,
(8th commandment)
nor greedy persons,
(3rd, 9th and 10th Commandment)
nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners,
(6th Commandment)
will inherit God’s kingdom.
Violation of any one of these Christian principles is violation of 5th Commandment (they do not honour heavenly father Jehovah). The Christian principles not only supports the Ten Commandments but some more are also added in the list and tightens the rules of the Ten Commandments by denying the entry into the very kingdom of God. That means we can say that the Ten Commandments are the ever golden rules for all mankind. Even in paradise which is yet to come and even during the end of Christ’s 1000 year rule you ask your own conscience "will God allow me if I violate one of the 10 commandments" except the Sabbath which will also be fulfilled in a spiritual sense. The answer from your own conscience will be again no and that means the Ten Commandments will be always there and forever. One more interesting thing is that the commandments which will last forever are directly written by God himself. So just as how God is permanent so also are his directly written commandments. But the laws that are for temporary purpose God directed men to write who is also now temporary. For instance the laws written by Moses became invalid after Jesus Christ fulfilled it. The prophecies such as Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and revelation that were written by men under the direction of God were fulfilled in the primitive settings. But in future all these will become fulfilled in grander scale and becomes invalid after the end of Christ’s millennium rule hence we say they are also temporary. But rules in the Ten Commandments can you violate in paradise? The answer is no! So those commandments which are to be served for permanent purpose are directly written by God himself. That is why the Ten Commandments are the only commandments written by God himself, while all other laws he made men to write are temporary. That is my view point.