Rathanavelu Lazarus Sadhu
What is the purpose of allowing the present system to continue?
"What is the purpose of allowing the present system to continue? What is Jehovah actually waiting for to bring this miserable system to an end? It is disheartening, to say the least, that 2017 is upon us and this wicked system is still in charge.
Thanks Easach for sharing with the readers of this site your interesting thoughts."
I don’t know who has asked this question, well it seems that the questioner (either brother/sister/ex JW) has some concern why the end did not come. Well I respect their feeling because it is normal for anyone including me back then until I met e-watchman in the net in 2010-11. Well I like to add the point to encourage the questioner and everyone in this site and if anything is wrong please anyone can correct me I am ready to accept. I am not like GB of WTS. I always believe that knowledge is better than ignorance so I allow my lovely brothers and sisters in this web site to correct me.
This is what my view point is: Assume that a person is living in 1694 (Establishment of Bank of England) and asks the same question what will be the answer? Well the direct answer is some of the evens has to take place before Jesus comes. For example in the year 1694 there was no seventh word power in its position as a world power just as it is now, therefore prophecy Daniel 2:33 was not yet fulfilled so is it right to ask why Jehovah did not bring an end then in 1694? Well come to the year 1776, 13 American colonies was formed as United States of America, but it did not become a world power. The seventh world power should be of Iron and Clay. Did Iron and Clay (Imperial and Democracy) co-existed together in 1776 itself? So still Daniel 2:41-42 prophecy was not yet fulfilled so is it right to ask why Jehovah did not bring an end in 1776?
The establishment of Anglo American world power as a world dominating power happened only after the Second World War not even in 1914.
Now read Daniel 2:34:
You looked on until a stone was cut out, not by hands, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and of clay and crushed them.
Did you see the timing? If the intension of the stone is to just destroy the image then stone would have struck on any part of the image, but have any one of you thought why it particularly hits the image on its feet of iron and of clay but not any other part of the body? Since Jehovah will not give unnecessary details or symbols without any meaning in it. It actually tells us to understand the timing when the stone will hit the image. It says it struck the image on its feet of iron and of clay, that means the stone (Christ’s kingdom) will establish during the rulership of Iron and Clay (Imperial + Democracy = Anglo + America). So ours is period that is nearing its end in order to establish Christ’s kingdom that is why the world’s situation is getting worse by worse day after day. The fall of seventh king that is the Anglo American world power is the indication that Jesus has taken his rule in heaven and ousted Satan from heavenly realm to the earthly realm. The fall of seventh king that is what Revelation 13:3 says: I saw that one of its heads seemed to have been fatally wounded has to be fulfilled first. Since this itself is not yet fulfilled, is it right to ask why Jehovah did not bring an end in 2016?
Now this where one should concentrate. Even after falling of seventh king (Imperial + Democracy = Anglo + America), the end is not yet; why?
Because still the prophecy Revelation 17:11-12 has to be fulfilled that is the wild beast that was but is not, it is also an eighth king, but it springs from the seven. Also “The ten horns that you saw mean ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings for one hour with the wild beast”.
And more importantly Revelation 17 verse 13 has to be fulfilled = so they give their power and authority to the wild beast (UN/One world government/NWO).
Now you think is it right to ask why Jehovah did not bring an end in 2016 and that 2017 is upon us and this wicked system is still in charge?
So my answer is that there are many things yet to be fulfilled and Jehovah will not speed up the matters as per our wish, it is his kingdom and it his time table and wish when to do so. Actually I am not condemning the person who ask like this, but expressing words such as it is disheartening or asking what is Jehovah actually waiting for to bring this miserable system to an end may be normal to anyone but those questions should not cause us to shrink back from faith as it had happened to me in 2010-11 before meeting e-watchman.
These are the things yet to be fulfilled.
The Anglo American world power has to go down: Revelation 17:8: The wild beast that you saw was, but is not.
Before going down of Anglo American power Revelation 13:3: has to be fulfilled: I saw that one of its heads seemed to have been fatally wounded.
After fulfilling Revelation 13:3, Revelation 17:8, 11, 12 has to be fulfilled: yet is about to ascend out of the abyss. Here I want to add a point, after the fall of Anglo-American world power = seventh King it takes some time to ascend that is why it is worded as (yet is about to ascend out….).
How long it takes to ascend? Well you can relate Daniel 4th chapter. In verse 20: "The tree that you saw that grew great and became strong, whose top reached the heavens and was visible to all the earth". The expression reached top, the heavens and was visible to all the earth represents that the ruling power should be worldwide then only it can be called as world power. Yes no other previously known world powers spread its influence as Anglo-American world power did. (For example India was not ruled by Babylon when it was in power in 605 – c. 562 BCE but rather Mahajanpadas (early Magadha dynasties) ruled North India and early Pandyan kingdom particularly Nedunjeliyan ruled South India. But whereas British which is in Europe at a distance of 10520KMS (sea route) from India established its foot hold in India in 1612 and dominated from 1757-1947 and American influence since 1942 till today through their economic and Multinational Companies. So the verse 20, "whose top reached the heavens and was visible to all the earth" aptly fits for Anglo-American world power rather than Babylon.
So when Anglo American world power falls down (Revelation 13:3: one of its heads seemed to have been fatally wounded; Daniel 4:14: Chop down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump with its roots.. Equate Revelation 13:3 = Daniel 4:14:), the world condition would go into maddened state just as it had happened to Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar (read the verse Daniel 4:25). How long will it be in maddened state before the rise of eighth king? The answer is in the same verse 25: "and seven times will pass over you". That means for the eighth king to rise and setup the new world order it may take seven years. So it is during those seven times (years) of maddened state, another beast as described in Revelation 13:11, ANOTHER having two horns like a lamb will rule, because the seat of the world power will not be empty without a head.
So after the fall of Anglo American power, an intermediate temporary government would come into power, this government acts as a temporary ruling power for transition of ruling power from seventh king (Anglo American) to the eighth king (UN); that is why Revelation 13:11 Then I saw ANOTHER wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb, but it began speaking like a dragon … It has the horn of the lamb means it does the things what actually Christ (lamb) will to do in his Kingdom that is global governance and establishment of peace and security (1st Thessalonicians 5:3).
That is why it compels all the people of the earth to make a world government (New world order) that is why Revelation 13: 14-15 says: it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived. And it was permitted to give breath (=it gives ruling power to the eighth king).
Then Revelation 17:13 has to be fulfilled: so they give their power and authority to the wild beast (UN/One world government/NWO).
Without these many things it is not right to expect the end to come soon. Jehovah through Jesus has revealed through the scriptures how step by step the things will take place.
There is also another strong reason why Jehovah is not bringing end soon that 2017 is upon us and this wicked system is still in charge. See Revelation 7:3. It says that Jesus (angel ascending from the sunrise,) saying to four angles not harm … until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads. That means the great tribulation is actually controlled by Jehovah through Jesus. Revelation 7:1: "I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding tight the four winds of the earth, so that no wind could blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree". So Jehovah and Jesus is controlling the great tribulation until the complete number of the sons of the kingdom; 144’000 must be gathered; until then he will not allow the end to come. So is it reasonable to think what is Jehovah actually waiting for to bring this miserable system to an end?
That may be one of the reasons why US President elect Trump is in the seat. As everyone knows that oligarchs want the one world government to be established, but who knows Jesus might have not yet fully sealed the complete number of anointed ones of 144000, so this is not the time for the end to come, so it may be even Jehovah’s purpose for person like Trump to be allowed in the power so that the things should work as per Jehovah’s time table, that also may be one of the reasons for the delay in human stand point of view. – See: putin-warns-trump-new-world-order-out-to-get-you
So what we can come to the conclusion is: It is Jehovah’s kingdom and his Son Jesus who is going to be the king, so we should not expect Jehovah to speed up the matters as per our wish. Since all things work as per his time table it is HE who wishes when to do so. Read 1st Corinthians 2:16: For “who has come to know the mind of Jehovah, so that he may instruct him?” Till then do not shrink back from faith read Hebrews 10:39. If you have real faith in Jehovah even though if we die without seeing all these things yet all what Jehovah has spoken will surely be fulfilled.