Matéria Para Testemunhas de Jeová Refletivos
“‘Mas você está procurando grandes coisas para si. Pare de procurar essas coisas. Pois estou para trazer uma calamidade sobre todas as pessoas’, diz Jeová, ‘e, aonde quer que você for, eu lhe darei a sua vida como despojo’.”
Importante: este site não pretende conter a verdade. O leitor deve ser capaz de exercer o bom senso, examinavam cuidadosamente as Escrituras, todo dia, para ver se tudo era assim mesmo. (Atos 17:11)
Prophecy against the congregation elders
I just recently understood the prophecy that tells that the "shepherds" among Jehovah's people will be dismissed by Jehovah God. I had for years wondered how that possibly was going to take place practically? I wondered how the elders would all around cease to be shepherds?

But finally I have now connected that to other prophecies that explain in detail how that is going to happen. First here is the prophecy telling that all the elders will be dismissed by Jehovah God: Ezekiel 34: 10This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: ‘I am against the shepherds, and I will demand an accounting of them for my sheep, and I will dismiss them from feeding my sheep, and the shepherds will no longer feed themselves. I will rescue my sheep from their mouth, and they will no longer be food for them.’”
11“‘For this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: “Here I am, and I myself will search for my sheep, and I will care for them.
23I will raise up one shepherd over them, my servant David, and he will feed them. He himself will feed them and become their shepherd. 24And I, Jehovah, will become their God, and my servant David a chieftain among them. I myself, Jehovah, have spoken.”
Because we know that "David" Jesus did not begin to rule in 1914, all this prophecy is referring to a future event. Simply said, the elders will be dismissed when 'the sanctuary will be profaned, and the constant feature removed and the disgusting thing put in place on the holy place', the kingdom halls. God's sheep that will refuse to worship the disgusting thing will flee. But those who act wickedly against the covenant will stay and worship the beast and its image. They will become apostates because they will engage in this kind of idolatry. Yes I think many elders will become such apostates, because already they do what ever they are told by the Governing Body. I have not seen that elders would let their conscience be lead by the Scriptures. Instead they have submitted themselves totally to whatever they are told by the Governing Body. And that will backfire one day. In fact if an elder would refuse to support a directive from the GB because of his conscience based on the scriptures, he would loose his privileges in the congregation. So that means all the elders have decided to support the GB no matter what the scriptures says. A simple proof of that is: you can not question any current GB doctrine with any elder. If you do that you are fired. The elders have no Bible based conscience, but their conscience is GB based. That situation must end, God's sheep deserve better. And that will end in a way prophesied in detail in Daniel 11. Instead it will be the local anointed that will step in to give spiritual food. "David" Jesus will use the local anointed to give knowledge and understanding to God's sheep. Here is what Daniel 11 says: 30“He will go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively; and he will go back and will give attention to those leaving the holy covenant. 31And arms[ footnote: armies] will stand up, proceeding from him; and they will profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant feature. “And they will put in place the disgusting thing that causes desolation. 32“And those who act wickedly against the covenant, he will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. But the people who know their God will prevail and act effectively. 33And those having insight among the people will impart understanding to the many. And they will be made to stumble by sword and by flame, by captivity and by plundering, for some days.” Of course the local anointed will be persecuted and targeted by the king of the North as says the prophecy. And it is in this time Matthew 25 gets its fulfillment. There will be brothers and sisters that will help the local anointed in practical ways. They will get everlasting life. But then there will be brothers and sisters that will not bother to help local anointed and they will die. Matthew 25: 44Then they too will answer with the words: ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you?’ 45Then he will answer them, saying: ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.’ 46These will depart into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life.”
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Vamos examinar nossas crenças:

a existência de Deus

Se um cristão, e especialmente uma Testemunha de Jeová, é convidado a apresentar provas da existência de Deus, é muito provável que ele cite o versículo quatro do terceiro capítulo da carta aos Hebreus: "toda casa é construída por alguém, mas quem construiu todas as coisas foi Deus".

O raciocínio é correto, nada veio do nada, mas tudo na terra é devido à vontade de um desenhista, mas é bom notar que Paulo não estava tentando discutir sobre a existência de um Criador. Ele falou com seus companheiros cristãos hebreus, que certamente não questionaram o fato de que o universo era governado por um ser poderoso que está por trás de tudo. Além disso, na antiguidade o problema certamente não era a não-crença em Deus, mas o oposto: as pessoas tendiam a acreditar em uma multidão de deuses. Ademais, Paulo, em uma ocasião, notou que um altar dedicado a um deus desconhecido havia sido feito, certamente por medo de esquecer de venerar uma divindade.

Acalia & Marta
Parábolas para os nossos dias (Parte 1)
O que as parábolas de Jesus têm para nos dizer? Eles estão relacionados aos nossos dias? Primeiro, devemos identificar e entender quais deles têm uma aplicação profética. Por exemplo, a parábola do filho pródigo contém um excelente ensino para nós, mas não é profética, não anuncia nenhum evento! Como então distinguir os tipos de parábolas? Como de costume, é muito simples: manteremos o que o próprio Jesus Cristo disse, sem adição ou remoção. Vamos limitar as interpretações aos únicos elementos que podem ser derivados diretamente de narrativas ou outros textos particulares e relevantes. Para o resto, gostaremos de contentar-nos com a resposta do Senhor: "Não cabe a vocês saber os tempos ou as épocas que o Pai colocou sob sua própria autoridade”. – Atos 1:7

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